
The Steering Committee is composed of up to 30 retirees who provide guidance and input to the planning of events and activities for the Association. The Steering Committee meets monthly at KSU Center on Busbee Drive in the Burruss Institute conference room.

2022 Steering Committee Members

Brenda Arthur
Chuck Aust
Angie Conti
Debra Day
Charlotte Doolin
Joan Duncan
Mary Lou Fish
Becky Frame
Bill Hamrick
Lynda Johnson
Suzy Millwood
Elsa Nystrom
Judy Perkins

Pat Pierce
Carol Pope
Kathy Rodgers
Janice Sanders
Ben Setzer
Howard Shealy
Linda Stanley
Harry Trendell
Debbie Vaughan
Diane Willey
Elaine Williams
Dorothy Zinsmeister

Other Committees/Task Forces

Other committees are formed as needed for specific events. Retirees are encouraged to get involved by volunteering to help with events as they occur.
